The following reference guides are provided to assist members and clubs of Toastmasters International.

Toastmasters Club Risk Register, Version 1.2
All clubs should identify and assess risks, and plan how to control them or respond if they eventuate. Doing so offers ten important benefits to clubs’ quality, operation and viability. The Toastmasters Club Risk Register is a Microsoft Excel workbook that facilitates identification, assessment, and control of risks in just six easy steps. The register is prepopulated with more than 30 risks that you can review and update or delete as needed, and contains information and simple instructions including: an explanation of risk assessment; the benefits of identifying, preparing for, and managing risks; how to conduct a risk assessment; and how to use the risk register’s columns. Download the Toastmasters Club Risk Register today and encourage your club’s executive committee to review and maintain it for the benefit of your club and its members.
Updated 10 December 2023
Membership Fees Calculator, Version 2
The Toastmasters International Membership Application form (Item 800) may be easy for United States Americans to use but poses a few challenges outside the USA. Do you find recalculating joining costs and pro rata semi-annual dues onerous when the US dollar (USD) currency exchange rate varies? Are you tired of manually calculating joining fees and membership dues in your local currency based on the current month every time a new member joins your club? The Membership Fees Calculator is a Microsoft Excel Workbook that will make life easier for club treasurers and vice presidents of membership.
Updated 30 October 2023
Guide to Toastmasters Club Officer Roles: The Club Officer FAQ, 8th Edition (3rd Reprint)
Are you looking for information to give members about the club officer roles? Are members willingly stepping up to serve as club officers? Do you need help in filling club officer roles? The Guide to Toastmasters Club Officer Roles isn’t an instruction manual for club officers, but is full of lots of helpful advice and information that will help members learn about the roles of club officers, and perhaps decide whether they want to serve as a club officer. The eighth edition has been expanded to include a section on succession planning and encouraging members to volunteer to serve.
Updated 18 March 2023
Guide to Toastmasters Area Directorship: The Area Director’s Guide, 5th Edition (3rd Reprint)
Are you looking for comprehensive guidance and helpful check lists for your role as an area director? Are you looking for a handout to give new area directors at district leadership training? The Guide to Toastmasters Area Directorship will help area directors serve their area’s members efficiently and effectively, and maximise the benefits of their term in office.
Watch for the 6th edition coming soon, including How to organise and run an area council meeting, How to organise a conference (that’s memorable for the right reasons), Sample area conference budget, How to prepare an effective area director’s report, How to find my successor, and more.
Updated 29 June 2023
How to Use the Guides
Rather than downloading, printing, or attaching this guide to e-mails, I encourage you to instead use a hypertext link (‘hyperlink’) to the online copy. Saving a hyperlink in your browser’s bookmarks/favourites or embedding the link in an e-mail will mean you’ll always access the latest edition, and you’ll conserve e-mail storage space, reduce data transmission costs, and save printing costs.
If your Web browser’s PDF viewer plug-in seems to distort fonts within a guide (you may notice emboldened text that appears to be out-of-place), then download the guide and open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
How to Contribute to the Guides
You’re welcome to contribute ideas to these guides, including variations for your club or service level by using the Enquiries and Contributions form below to contact me. Please also alert me to errors.
Support this Website and Krook’s Guides
It costs money to host and maintain this website, and a great deal of time to produce the guides, so donations of any amount will be gratefully received.
A secure donation facility will be added soon so that you can Support the Toastmasters Guides website’s hosting and maintenance.
Future Krook’s Guides for Toastmasters
The guides listed below are under development and will be published here and promoted via The Official Toastmasters International Members and Toastmasters International District 69 Members Facebook Groups when they’re ready.
- Guide to Toastmasters Club Growth: The VPM’s Guide
- Including how to run demonstration meetings and communication skills workshops
- Guide to Toastmasters Club Promotion: The VPPR’s Guide
- Guide to Toastmasters Club Meeting Roles: The Meeting Guide
- Guide to Toastmasters Club Membership: The Member’s Guide
- Including impromptu speaking, speech development, and evaluation
- Guide to Toastmasters Club Quality
- Including effective mentorship
- Guide to Toastmasters Online & Hybrid Meetings: The Hybrid Meeting Guide
- Guide to Toastmasters Club Technology: The Tech Guide
- Guide to Australian Parliamentary Procedure: Krook’s Companion
- Guide to Toastmasters Speaking: The Speaker’s Guide
- Guide to Toastmasters Club Coaching: The Coaching Guide
Enquiries and Contributions
Have an idea for a new guide? Want something added to an existing guide? Found an error in a guide? Feel free to get in touch via LinkedIn or the District 69 executive team.